Tuberous begonias make it easy to add splashes of bright color to shady gardens and containers. The plants begin blooming in midsummer and continue flowering right to frost. Here's a quick look at some of the colors and styles that are available for your yard and garden.
Double begonias (Roseform Pink shown below) are bushy, compact plants with big, rose-like flowers. They have an upright growth habit that works well in both containers and garden beds. The combination of attractive foliage and showy flowers makes double begonias a very popular choice for shady gardens.
The flowers of fimbriata begonias (Scarlet and Yellow varieties shown below) have fringed petals and may remind you of carnations. The sturdy, upright plants are excellent for mass plantings in garden beds and borders. Fimbriata begonias also make good container plants, on their own or combined with your favorite shade-loving annuals.
Hanging begonias (Odorata White shown below) produce an extravagant display of flowers month after month. Their cascading growth habit makes them ideal for hanging baskets, window boxes and large planters. The enormous flowers, which can be as big as your hand, will make your shady porch, deck or patio come alive with color.
Double picotee begonias (White variety shown above) have large, rose-like flowers with two-toned petals. They look pretty combined with solid-colored double begonias and have the same upright growth habit. Grow Picotee begonias in big planters on a shady porch or patio, or in the garden along with hostas and other shade lovers. They will tolerate hot, humid weather as long as they are protected from the sun.
Non-stop begonias (shown above) are more compact than other types. This makes them ideal for pots and planters, including windowboxes. The flowers of non-stop begonias come in many bright, clear colors. Plant these shade-loving summer bulbs where they'll be protected from midday sun, and they will flower continuously all summer long.
To see our full line of tuberous begonias, click HERE. To learn more about growing them, read All About Begonias.